Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chattin' with the Porcine One

Washington Capitals coach Bruce “Porky Pig” Boudreau chatted with Washington Post readers this morning. Here are excerpts from his chat:

Mike DC: Who are you pulling for in game 7, Montreal or Pittsburgh?

Bruce Boudreau: I am pulling for Montreal. I could never see myself wanting Pittsburgh to win and Montreal is playing inspired hockey. I can see them winning. I do think whoever scores the first goal will win

Washington, D.C.: Yesterday I bet a free lunch for the four rabid Caps fans in our office if together they could name the teams still in the playoffs -- without Internet or other assistance. They couldn't do it, so they had to buy me lunch. What do you think of that?

Bruce Boudreau: Sounds like they are loyal Caps fans! They love our team and nobody else and like myself they probably have not been able to watch hockey since we lost - so they would not know.

(Then don’t be surprised when teams beat you doing exactly the same things next year, Fat Boy.)

Washington, DC: Coach, Mike Green recently suggested that the team's protracted commute home after game 4 played a role in the team coming out flat at the start of game 5. Do you agree? And in general, what impact do extraordinary travel delays have on a club in a series with little time off between games?

Bruce Boudreau: I think the fog flight had a profound effect on us. The players missed an entire night of sleep and got out of their routine. We missed practice the following day and it showed in the first 10 minutes of Game 5, when Montreal scored both their goals.

(Interesting how this never got mentioned when the Pens had to walk in from Canada for that Sunday afternoon game in February.)

So there you have it. The Caps aren’t just chokers; they’re excuse-making, petty, whiners to boot. Here’s hoping they roll up another 120 points next year and are still free to play golf on May Day.

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